Learn more about RPA Find Out Your Estimated Savings for Accounts Payable Processing Put efficiency into overdrive with a customized bot for your accounts payable team. Automate your manual tasks from start to finish with Xerox® RPA. Create new levels of efficiency that can extract information from invoices and validate tax, purchase orders, goods received notes, payment terms and dates, and pay invoices accordingly. Instead of being bogged down with manual, time-consuming workflows, RPA frees your employees to focus on higher-value work while bots handle the mundane, repetitive tasks. Calculate how much you can save with Xerox® RPA! How many employees are currently performing this task?How many hours per day does each employee spend on this task?What is the average cost of each employee per hour?HiddenRPA ANNUAL COSTHiddenRPA MONTHLY COSTRPA Cost / 12HiddenCALC – TOTAL HOURSNumber of Employees * Hours Per Employee on TaskHiddenCALC – HOURLY LABOUR COSTNumber of Employees * Average Cost Per EmployeeHiddenCALC – DAILY LABOR COSTTotal Number of Hours * Cost Per HourHiddenCALC – MONTHLY LABOR COST# employees * hours per employee on task * avg cost per employee * 22 (22 Working Days)HiddenCALC – NET SAVING PER MONTHMonthly Labor Cost – Monthly RPA CostHiddenCALC – NET SAVING PER YEARNet Savings Per Month * 12 Fill out the form below to receive an email of your estimated monthly and annual cost savings. Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Company(Required) Zipcode(Required) Opt-in Please send me more information about products and solutions offered by Xerox.To change your communication preferences, please visit our Preference Center To see how we protect your personal data, view our Privacy Policy. You need to enable Javascript for the anti-spam check.